Innovation Crescendo

Ideation, or concept generation, is the first step in the New Product Development (NPD) process but it is often the most difficult step for companies to execute productively. The simple reason for the failure of Ideation is that it is the least well defined NPD step and is at the “fuzzy” front end of Innovation.  Typically Ideation is defined as, “identifying and defining consumer accepted product ideas and potential product concepts for market introduction”.  Here I share some of my own personal experiences and opinions about what works during the Ideation process.

innovationInnovation Teams … Ideation works well when it uses an Innovation team.  This team may be an on-going team that works in a particular product category or it may be an ad hoc team formed to create new product concepts because of existing market pressures, such as a loss of market share or a competitor’s successful new product…

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